Let’s see cookies… check! Mint….check! Most important loads
of chocolate…. Check! Okay let’s start.
300g Dark Chocolate
114g Soft Butter
90g Light Brown Sugar
4 Eggs, Lightly Beaten
½ Teaspoon Mint Extract
235g Flour
1 Tsp Baking Powder
½ Tsp Salt
200g Mint Chocolate
- Melt the dark chocolate
- Cream the butter and sugar
- Add the eggs and the mint
- Stir in the melted
- Add all of the dry
- Stir in the mint chocolate
- Let the mix rest for 1
hour in the fridge
- Preheat the oven to gas
mark 4 / 180 degrees
- Bake for 12 -15 minutes,
and enjoy!